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Friday, February 12, 2010

This is a pic that comes up if you type "Jillian Michaels Pic"

I like...

Jillian Michaels 30 day shred! I am only on level 1 right now but, I find it's a workout that I can do and right now it is only 20 minutes of continuous circuit training. Cardio, Strength & Abs... I love when she says "You can do this, it doesn't come for free." Everyone is always looking for the easy way out, I have. But, there is no easy way except watching the fuel you put into your body and old-fashioned hard work. I am starting to look at food like fuel. I think when you can focus on food like that, you stop looking at it as comfort and start looking at it like "I need to put premium fuel in my body so it can run better" Like you would your car. Even if you don't put premium in your car, how much more precious your body is than your car. This is the body that I was given and I know with some hard work and a lot of fine tuning, it can be great and I can love my body.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Needing some thinspo... I think this is from


so I just tried a low carb snack that I read about. Thin sliced deli meat like turkey or ham wrapped around celery sticks. I like deli ham and I like celery but I can tell you, they are not loved together. It was a very strange combination of textures and flavors. In truth, it was pretty disgusting, just my opinion.

For Lunch

I made 3 oz of salmon and added it to a salad of 2 cups of Spinach, 1/4 cup mushrooms, 1/4 cup feta cheese, 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar & 1 tbsp olive oil. It was delicious!!!

Staying Strong

For about a week, I was down and ate like crap and gained back some of the 16 lbs that I lost. I weighed this morning and it looks like I have successfully kept off 10 lbs of what I lost. I am excited about that. I am on Turbo Atkins, whick is the Atkins reformed with some of the Mediterranean diet. Has all the foods I love. Feta, Olive oil, Spinach and Salmon. It focuses on eating more good-for-you fish. I am feeling strong and motivated today and I have been enjoying a few low-carb beers (Michelob Ultra) in the process. Life can be good

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Hi, sorry I have not been on in a bit. I have been very down. So first I was on a low carb diet for approx 2 weeks and lost 16 lbs. Well, almost 2 weeks later and I have gained all back but 5. Yep, loser as usual. Okay that is the only negative thing that I am going to say about myself today, as far as you know in this blog, lol. But I have a wedding to be in, in approx 40 days and I have to look better! My friend and I are doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and I am thinking of attempting "The Master Cleanse" again. I want to prove that I can do it!! Even though I have not thoroughly convinced myself that I can. Once I start to not have food, I start telling myself that "this is not normal" that people were "made to eat" and that I "deserve to eat". Yep, I psyche myself out and eat again only to be very irritated at failing my own self. But, that does not discourage me to try, try again. Okay, looking I have exactly 40 days till my BF wedding! I have to lose some weight!