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Monday, April 29, 2013

I am back!

Okay, Okay really. I am back with a vengeance! First I am going to start by saying that I weigh 197 today. I have been that weight for a while. It totally sucks but, in the wintertime I get really down and bored and this winter I have done nothing but eat drink and be miserable. I get the winter blues really bad. But, it is totally spring and has been for a month. It has taken me a bit longer than usual to get out of my funk. But, I am feeling motivated and happier! Okay, so how do I plan on losing this disgusting weight? Well, to start I am going to jumpstart this weight loss with BOB HARPERS Jumpstart To Skinny Plan. I bought the book and I love it! Well, I love Bob anyways and he has great recipes and a plan to lose 20 lbs in 3 weeks. I have an event at the end of May and I would like to be at least 20 lbs down. And the most amazing part? On the plan ladies only eat 800 cal's a day! That's right! I am really excited, that there is a real plan under 1000 cal's! Well, I am going to track my success here and keep sane by venting here. I will post a pic of my 197 lb body later. It helps me to see how bad it all really looks. I am sorry, you may have to turn away or it may motivate you as well!